Fertility 101


This is Infertility

Fertility 101: Preparing for Your First Fertility Clinic Appointment

"This isn’t a one size fits all treatment plan. Everybody is a little bit different."
Dr. Michael Drews from RMA of New Jersey, Dr. Jennifer Brown from Northeastern Reproductive Medicine, Dr. Linnea Goodman from Virginia Fertility and IVF, Dr. Thomas Molinaro, from RMA of New Jersey, Dr. Kathleen Hong from RMA of New Jersey
Multiple Companies

Fertility 101: PCOS

My mom said as soon as I stepped out of the ER, 'She's not going to give this up, the world is going to hear about this'.
Dr. Todd Deutch
Advanced Reproductive Center 

Expert Interview Series

Infertility in the Black Community: Understanding the Health Conditions and Finding the Right Doctor

Progyny hosted a webinar about understanding the health conditions that increase infertility in the Black community and finding the right doctor. We expanded the dialogue we started with our Fertility and Maternal Health in the Black Community webinar by pulling together experts to discuss the health conditions specific to the Black community and insights for finding a physician you connect with.

Building Your Family in 2021

For a lot of people, a new year can mean new benefits. That’s why we highlighted what it’s like for those just starting their family building journey with Progyny. We touched on how the Progyny benefit works, what’s included, the logistics, and what happens during an initial consultation.